The Management and the whole organisation at ABADÍA RETUERTA, who are dedicated to cultivation of wine grapes, commercialisation and elaboration of white, red and rosé wine, base their integrated management policy on:
THE NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS OF THOSE CONCERNED: We strive to detect, analyse and understand the needs and expectations of the relevant parties, with a view to meeting their requirements and needs, as well as working to fulfil their expectations, especially those of our customers.
ONGOING IMPROVEMENT: The Management aims to provide the necessary resources to ensure the ongoing improvement of the organisation. This includes improving its environmental performance.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: The organisation is committed to the aims of sustainable development, as well as the mitigation of climate change. It seeks to avoid pollution, and it reduces the consumption of natural resources by using recycled or recyclable products, as well as energy-saving initiatives. Furthermore, residual waste is minimised, by applying adequate measures that reduce, recoup and recycle it.
COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS: We comply with all legal requirements and those intrinsic to our product. This includes the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards, those established by our company, as well as the pertinent requirements of our relevant stakeholders.
TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION: This is a key factor for the increased competitiveness of our organisation, in order to offer further value to our customers.
MANAGING THE ORGANISATION EFFICIENTLY: We aim to manage the organisation in a way that is efficient and competitive, by improving internal processes and bringing down the associated costs.
GENERATING A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE for the end user, so that they become a brand ambassador for us.
This Quality and Environmental Policy is drawn up by the Management and put into action by the Organisation, thereby assigning the necessary resources so it may be carried out.
The Management
Sardón de Duero, 27th May 2022
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